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Discovery and History of Phthalocyanines(

A rotating phthalocyanine molecule!( )

IFM-Chemical Physics: GUIDE TOUR (online)(

Search for chemical compounds at ChemFinder Web Server(

Chemical information sites indexed at the ChemFinderWebServer(

Conductive Polymers and Elektrochemistry(

Macromolecular Chemistry, Polymers(

Massspectra from organic compounds(

Search A.I.P Weekly Physics News(

Prof. Dr. A. Hirsch:(

Prof. Dr. H.-U. Siehl:(

Prof. Dr. D. W÷hrle:(

Internet Chemistry Sites: WWW (World Wide Web), Europe(

NMRWeb from York's NMR Service(

Molecule of the Month(

Another Molecule of the Month collection(

Forschungsfördernde Institutionen - Übersicht(

Steinbeis-Aktuelles: F÷rderprogramme(